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European Diversity

in Fauna, Flora, Geography and Conservation 


I am Niklas Banowski from Düsseldorf, Germany born in 1993. Since my early childhood I am into nature especially in searching reptiles and amphibians. At the age of ten I started to keep reptiles and it didn’t take long for me trying to catch some herps with my camera. What started with just documentary images turned with the help of my father in a much more enthusiastic way of taking pictures. No, I am not just a hobbyist, I did my Bachelor of Science in biology in Düsseldorf and my master studies at the Ruhr Universität Bochum. After I finished my Master I moved to Munich to work as a biologist. Mostly my fieldwork is all about reptiles, amphibians, birds and bats. Through my knowledge I have a good connection to the animals and working with them and other bi gives me many opportunities to display different species of the European fauna (mainly amphibians and reptiles). Since 2016 I am a member in the „Gesellschaft für Naturfotografen“.

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- talks about herpetological topics (scientific and/or entertaining)

- supporting local or small conservation projects through photography



"Feuersalamander in Deutschland: Wie eine Krankheit die beliebte Amphibienart bedroht" - Marina Weishaupt, National Geographic Deutschland

"Beobachtung: Die Reaktion von reptilien auf Starkregenereignissen im Voralpenland" -

T. Wulms & N.Banowski, 2024, DGHT Die Eidechse

"Die Salamanderpest: Charakterisierung,
aktuelle Situation in Deutschland, Handlungsempfehlungen" Böning et al 2024, Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie

"Die Herpetofauna des Lüsekamps (Meinweggebiet)" Natuurhistorischen Maandblad 11 -  2018 Niklas Banowski


- Exhibition "Wildes München"  Museum Mensch und Natur in Nymphenburg Castle 2024

Books :

"Die Gattung Ommatotriton"

2024 Fahrbach M, Gerlach

"Die Kreuzotter - ein Leben in ziemlich festen Bahnen" 2020 N. Otte, D. Bohle,B. Thiesmeier

"Die Gattung Triturus. Geschichte Biologie Systematik Zucht" 2019 Fahrbach M, Gerlach

"ELS AMFIBIS DELS PAÏSOS CATALANS" 2022, García A., Maluquer J., Rivera X.


- different online presentations from conservation projects (Naturpark Frankenwald, Bio.Station Krickenbeck, Bio.Station Rees, Bio.Station Eifel, Bio.Station West.-Öst. Rurhgebiet, Heinz Sielmann Stiftung, LBV Wolfratshausen, LBV Landesverband, NABU Deutschland.

- #wildlifehero Kampanie,


GDT Photographer 2023:

Highly commended in category Urban Wildlife 

GDT Photographer 2024:

Highly commended in category plants, other animals and river nature


- field survey methods for European amphibians, reptiles, bird, bats, dormouse,  fish, dragonflies, habitat types

- tree climbing

- environmental assessment

- molecular biological methods for organism detecton through eDNA and amphibian pathogen detection

  • Facebook - Weiß, Kreis,
  • Instagram - Weiß Kreis
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